ts-module-browser [beta]

TypeScript code style: prettier npm version David David semantic-release
Run typescript in browser with script[type="ts-module-browser"] without bundler

Run examples

You can see the source code of the examples, or see it in action.

Also you can run the examples locally using the command:

$ yarn examples



The code in the browser is transpiled using a Service Worker. Due to Service Worker does not work in another origin (another domain, protocol or CDN), you need to install it locally:


// Load typescript (you can use any version you want)

// Load sw code from CDN


<div id="container"></div>

<!-- Configure ts-module-browser instance -->
<script type="ts-module-browser-config">
    "serviceWorkerPath": "/sw.js",
    "resolver": "skypack"

<!-- Load ts-module-browser -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ts-module-browser@latest"></script>

<!-- Write your code -->
<script type="ts-module-browser">
  import * as lodash from "lodash";
  import * as React from "react";
  import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
  import { Button } from "./some-local-component";

  function App() {
    return <Button>Hello world</Button>

  ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('container'));

Local usage

Not implemented yet.

yarn install ts-module-browser -D


<!-- Provide path to ts-module-browser location -->
<script src="node_modules/ts-module-browser/dist/module.js" data-tsmb-sw="node_modules/ts-module-browser/dist/sw.js" data-tsmb-resolver="local"></script>


Service worker

serviceWorkerPath (default: undefined) Path to local sw.js (see usage)

Package resolvers

resolver (default: local)

All packages can be resolved using the following providers:

Work In Progress

Please don’t use ts-module-browser in production.


ts-module-browser is MIT licensed.